Here's a pic that got corrupted of the free organic oranges we got. When I gave Tristen some of the fresh juice, he asked if I had added honey! No, baby, that's how they're supposed to taste! Not too pretty to look at, but infinately better for you.
Today was busy and activity filled. Tristen and I have been working on a project together for quite some time, and it is finally nearing fruitation (Love that word!). We spent a couple-few hours on it and I expect to be spending a lot more hours on it in the next couple of weeks. We’ll tell all about it soon.
We also spent a good portion of time in the kitchen making food. First we made lots-o-orange juice, then cookies, then lunch consisting of cut up veggies and flax crackers with cheese sauce which is pictured below, then we made Lemon-berry tarts, some bread for Rich, and finally fruit smoothies. I also managed to get the piled up dishes done and the kitchen cleaned up, as it’s gotten behind by a day or two.
Here’s the recipe for the cheese sauce we made. It’s based on a recipe from Rejuvenate Your Life, by Serene Allison.
Cheezy Spread
½ to 1 red bell pepper
1 cup cashews, ground in the coffee grinder
1 T. sesame seeds, ground with the cashews
1 T. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos
1 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
a small slice of onion
1 clove garlic
juice of ½ to 1 lemon
water as needed.
Blend everything except the cashews and sesame seeds, then add them in. Add water if needed a little at a time. Scrape the sides as you go to get everything nice and smooth.
This is the best tasting raw cheeze sauce I’ve come across, and both kids LOVE it. We use it as dips for veggies and crackers, and on raw pizza. I’m not sure how long it will keep, as it always gets eaten up within a day or two.
Another simple cheeze spread that I love is a jar of tahini (ground up sesame seeds) with minced garlic cloves and the juice of a lemon and some sea salt. You can make a little at a time or a whole jar. It keeps about a week.
After spending most of my day standing mainly in one spot, my feet are tired. I may just give them a ginger and cayenne soak.
Today Rowan ate:
orange juice
banana oatmeal
veggies and flax crackers with cheese sauce
sesame seed milk
grapefruit, cranberry, lemon, orange, mixed berry, banana smoothie
salad with cuke, tom, carrot, romaine, and onion in ACV and herb dressing
more smoothie, sans grapefruit, cranberry, and lemon
Tristen ate:
orange juice
dried coconut
sesame seed milk
lemon-berry tart
veggies and flax crackers with cheese sauce
orange, mixed berry, and banana smoothie
slice of freshly baked bread
freshly shelled almonds
Rowan, Tristen, and Sharilyn
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