Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How To Make NutMilk

Nut milks are wonderful for your body. Each different nut or seed of course provides different nutrients and attributes. Brazil nuts and almonds are alkaline. Pumpkin seeds are antiparisitic. Sesame seeds are know for their calcium content. Hemp seed is a complete protein, containing all the essential amino acids that your body can’t make. It helps to reduce your “bad” cholesterol and had lots-o antioxidants. Cashews have a high amount of magnesium. The list goes on. I try to vary my milks, but favorites are hazelnut, almond, sesame, hemp, and pumpkin.

It all starts with raw nuts or seeds—about a cup. I use about ½ a cup for sesame seeds. In a pinch I’ll use a raw butter, usually 1/3 to ½ cup. Pictured from top left: Hemp seeds, sesame seeds, Raw cashew butter, raw almond butter. Next from left: Hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews, brazil, pumpkin seeds (green), macadamia, and sunflower (tiny white in bottom right). Toss your nuts into a blender (tee-hee) and add about two cups of water. Blend on high for up to two minutes (in a regular blender).

Strain it in a paint thinner bag and pour it back into the blender. Then add:

1 tablespoon honey or the equivalent. Pictured is: honey, agave, refined stevia, and powdered stevia leaf. I also use maple syrup on occasion.

1 tablespoon cold-pressed oil. Pictured is: coconut, olive, hemp, flax.

A dash of himilayan salt, sea salt, or powdered kelp (my preference).

Blend it baby!

Add enough water to equal 4 cups of milk and your done.

This is how much milk I got from today’s nut/seed (I scooped all the nuts/seeds pictured up top into the blender for today’s milk). I filled one large canning jar, plus about a cup left over. Added some cacao powder and a banana for chocolate banana milk.

What’s left after I filled Rowan’s cup.

Yum!! Drank it all, pausing only to let me refill her cup!

Now you don’t have to add the sweetner, salt, and oil. You could just blend the nuts and strain it. I prefer the fuller, more like milk taste with everything added.

And if you don’t have a milk bag, use a mesh strainer. Better yet, add a little more sweet, some cocoa/cacao/carob, and ice to make it thick like a milkshake. Then you don’t feel the graininess in the back of your throat. A banana helps too.

Hope you try some nut milk, as it’s super yummy as well as beneficial and nourishing to your body. Have a great day!

~Rowan and Sharilyn

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