Sunday, July 12, 2009

Raw Chocolate—Ohh Yea, Baby!

I finally had the ingredients to make completely raw chocolate—so I did! Raw cacao powder, cacao butter, truly raw agave (if it’s not clear, it’s not raw), and vanilla beans. Talk about mouth orgasms! Woo-hoo!!! If you could package love, it would look like raw chocolate. Here’s some info on cacao, courtesy of Naked Chocolate, by David Wolfe and Shazzie:

  • a 1.4 ounce of chocolate contains the same amount of caffeine as one cup of decaffeinated coffee; the forasteros bean contains less than 0.1% caffeine.
  • dark chocolate’s antioxidant ORAC level is 13,120 compared to say blueberries at 2,400. Raw cacao beans are roughly 10% antioxidant flavonols (10g per 100g)!!
  • studies indicate that dairy products specifically block the absorption of all the great antioxidants in chocolate. Just say no to milk chocolate!
  • cacao is the number one source of magnesium, the heart mineral.
  • cacao contains 106mg calcium per 100g vs. human milk’s 20mg per 100g.
  • cacao contains a significant quantity of the essential amino acid tryptophan, a powerful mood-enhancing nutrient, and anandamide, a.k.a. the “bliss chemical.”

Sooooo good, sooooo good for you. Num num num num num.


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