Yesterday I received my anxiously awaited package in the mail: Chocolate Bliss and Vanilla Agave from http://www.highvibehealth.com/. Today I made “Bliss” shakes (I’m still waiting to get back my ice cream maker, otherwise it would have been Bliss ice cream.) and Oh My Holy Mother! This stuff is unbelievable! I was only going to taste it since I’ve been fasting and trying to come off gently, but after that taste I had to have a small cup. Rowan did her Happy Dance and mommy joined in. What a buzz!! After about 10 minutes I felt Super Happy. I could literally feel the difference—it was huge!! As I was thinking about calling Stephanie at HealthVibe to thank her, the phone rang. Guess who!! She was calling to see make sure I had gotten the package. I totally went off telling her how wonderful it was and how incredible and happy I felt. (Come to think of it, ‘Bliss’ is exactly fitting.) She told me this stuff actually pulls toxins from the body, and to drink a cup of water with it. How great to have coming off a fast!! There’s something like 25 different ingredients, mostly superfoods, in this stuff—acerola berries, maca, hemp, rhodiola rosea, cacao (of corse) just to name a few. The kicker ingredients are ‘love and intention’ and Oh can you tell!!
Steph, you have bottled happiness. Namasté, my dear, namasté.
Get your own superbuzz from here: http://highvibehealth.com/Chocolate_Bliss.html
I had quite a full day. I was outside by 7 digging out the sod from the bed I cut last night and planting all the splits and babies from yesterday’s plethora. Then the potato bed got extended to include the corn babies that needed to get in the ground, so I turned the 4 x 4 foot bed into a 4 x 7 or 8 foot bed and tilled the soil down about 2 feet with a shovel and my sweat. That’s a load of work! Planted the corn and heard Rowan awake, so went to get her. We picked some fresh greens from the garden and made green smoothies. Later, we watered plants and weeded. Took care of some IRS business and bills. Then the Chocolate Bliss and dancing.
Rich came home early from work, so I took off to try to finish up at the retreat center. Six hours later it was getting dark, so home I came to pot up some more splits that there wasn’t room for. (I’m thinking plant sale to raise funds for this retreat or church affiliate.)
I’m beat. I’m going to stretch and go to bed.
UPDATE: Got the ice cream maker--should've seen the kids faces!!

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