I did it again. Posting at the library got put off yet a few more weeks due to a number of factors, the biggest being that I couldn’t find my memory stick. Sorry, anxious readers. I’ll try to be more consistent with my postings. I aim for weekly, but life gets in the way sometimes.
Little Miss has finally attained the age attributed to her attitude of late: She’s two!
Here’s what I love about Rowan:
She usually greats you with a “Hi Ro-Ro” in the morning or after nap time.
She is eager to help when asked.
She makes the best messes in the shortest possible time.
She tries new things eagerly.
She is determined and headstrong, constantly checking her boundaries.
She gives all kinds of presents, from flowers to bugs to little specks of dirt or a dropped morsel of food.
She shares her wonder at the world, in turn making me wonder too.
Her wonderfully large blue eyes.
The way she talks, using sign language and not fully pronounced words that are too adorable.
She has the best pout that will melt the firmest of resolutions.
Rowan had a plethora of presents, from elmo videos to a tea set. Plastic fruit and books to devour. A beautiful white party dress that managed to survive chocolate cake.

The cake was an experience. I half-followed a recipe from one of my raw books, using nuts, carrot and apple pulp and such. It turned out well and tasted wonderful. Not as fluffy as carrot cake, but much softer than the first nut cake I made. LOL. That one was a rock!!
So two years have passed in a blink. Soon it will be decades passing as quickly. Enjoy your moments. Do it now. They pass all too fast.
In Love,
~Sharilyn, Rowan, and Tristen
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