Well, the book still isn’t up n running, not for lack of trying, just for lack of internet access time—sorry!! It’s coming, I promise.
Rowan has definitely begun the early stages of Two. What a rascal!! Besides getting into EVERYTHING not nailed down, shut, or up, she has inheirited this extremely obstinate streak. Ask her to “come here,” and she backs up. Ask her to go pick up her book that she left on the floor and she does . . . then throws it back down and crosses her arms. No sooner does she do something extremely irritating then she runs to blink her eyes at you and give you hugs and kisses!!
Rowan’s menu today:
Raw oatmeal
sprouted date carrot “bread”—lots of it!!
almond milk
green grapes
green smoothie with parsley, banana, mulberry
broccoli, celery salad with ACV/honey/EVOO dressing
~~Ro-Ro and Sharilyn
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