It’s finally warmed up enough to thaw all the snow. Today I think it actually hit over 70*!! I was busy with making my shelf for the seedlings . . . the one that got put off. But the babies need to get started if we want the warmer weather fruits and veggies like peppers and melons.
The gardens got their mulch pulled off so they can start to dry out a bit. Rowan and I took a walk to the top of the hill that overlooks our house. The pic is from last summer from up there—it’s quite a climb. Later I got 4 flats worth of seeds planted, then did a little poi dancing. I’m a bit rusty after the long winter and knocked my glasses off my face! (I use tennis balls on the end of ropes. Ouch!) Rowan had fun talking to the cows and chickens and kitties. We found some bugs to play with too. Ah, the joys of warmer weather.
I was perusing through one of my seed catalogues and found Luffa! Yes, you can grow a Luffa, and you can eat it too!! How groovy!! I never knew. Or of course you can dry it out and use as a scrubby sponge. I also found my all time fave flower: Passiflora, or Passion Flower. And guess what—you can eat parts of that too. Other edible flowers include: bachelor buttons, calendula (marigolds), nastersium (leaves and buds and seeds, too), Salvia viridis, Hollyhock, sunflowers—seeds and petals, monarda (Bee balm), and Violas.
My Disclaimer Note: Always make sure you know your plant before you eat it!! Wouldn’t want anyone to get sick from eating the wrong plant!!
Today the kids chowed on:
goji berries
carrot shreds
celery chips
pumpkin seeds
sunny seeds
almond milk w/ flax oil and honey (w/ carob for Tris)
buckwheat groats
Hope you have a fruity day!! We sure did!!
Sharilyn, Tris, and Ro-Ro
The gardens got their mulch pulled off so they can start to dry out a bit. Rowan and I took a walk to the top of the hill that overlooks our house. The pic is from last summer from up there—it’s quite a climb. Later I got 4 flats worth of seeds planted, then did a little poi dancing. I’m a bit rusty after the long winter and knocked my glasses off my face! (I use tennis balls on the end of ropes. Ouch!) Rowan had fun talking to the cows and chickens and kitties. We found some bugs to play with too. Ah, the joys of warmer weather.
I was perusing through one of my seed catalogues and found Luffa! Yes, you can grow a Luffa, and you can eat it too!! How groovy!! I never knew. Or of course you can dry it out and use as a scrubby sponge. I also found my all time fave flower: Passiflora, or Passion Flower. And guess what—you can eat parts of that too. Other edible flowers include: bachelor buttons, calendula (marigolds), nastersium (leaves and buds and seeds, too), Salvia viridis, Hollyhock, sunflowers—seeds and petals, monarda (Bee balm), and Violas.
My Disclaimer Note: Always make sure you know your plant before you eat it!! Wouldn’t want anyone to get sick from eating the wrong plant!!
Today the kids chowed on:
goji berries
carrot shreds
celery chips
pumpkin seeds
sunny seeds
almond milk w/ flax oil and honey (w/ carob for Tris)
buckwheat groats
Hope you have a fruity day!! We sure did!!
Sharilyn, Tris, and Ro-Ro
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