Yep. Still working on the coconuts. That’s ok, cuz when I need a refreshment break, I drink some coconut water! It’s so good for you. I read some where that you could live fairly healthily on fresh coconuts and sunlight. Not sure about that, but it does speak volumes about the nutritional levels. I’m also going to attempt to bake some bread for Rich, since $$s tight and hey, warm, home baked bread to smell, and we have all the ingredients.
There’s a book I have called Stocking Up, by Carol Hupping, which is like the bible of food preservation. If you want to know how to harvest, freeze, and can fruits and veggies from your garden, this is the book. In it are also some great bread recipes, most with sprouted grains, that incorporate ingredients different from the norm, like sunflower seeds and split peas. One, Banana Corn Bread, sounds interesting, and as we collected all the missed ears of corn that we could find after they harvested the fields, we’ve got plenty of corn to make fresh meal. So many other great recipes are in there too, and many easy to transform into raw versions. I expect I’ll be posting some creations later.

Here’s the salad we ate today.
Today Rowan ate:
Coconut milk
banana almond milk w/ olive oil, spirulina, and OJ
coconut banana milk
herb taboli like salad—parsley, cukes, tommies, celery, ground wakame, and ground sunflower
and pumpkin seeds in a lemon-EVOO-honey dressing
more coconut milk!
two oranges
~Sharilyn and Rowan
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