I’m still beside myself about the oranges. I’m feeling like we have so much to be grateful for. Today we made orange strawberry juice—my absolute favorite! I use the fresh frozen strawberries that we got at the local farmers’ market this year and it’s like adding ice, only yummier. MMMMMmmmmmmmMMMMmmMMMM!!!
Rowan’s been such a great helper today. She helped with the dishes by drying (only unbreakables of course). Then she helped make some more bread for daddy—the first loaf I made a few days ago came out good, though a little heavy. Next, she held the dustpan while I swept the floor. After that, she brought over all the oranges from the fridge so I could juice them. Following a strawberry-orange juice break and Happy Dance, it was time for a much needed nap. Guess I tuckered the tike out! I managed to get in a load of laundry, a couple phone calls, and some seed collecting (yes from outside) while the wild child was down. And after a quick run to town, Rowan helped with putting groceries away and getting hor d’orves ready for the evening. Later, we did manage to pick up all the toys in the playroom (and living room, and kitchen) and put them away. Whew! Couldn’t have done all that without you Ro! ~~kisses~~
So 2008 is at an end. What a year! I miss Michigan and The Fellowship For Today. Every year they have a burning bowl ceremony in which you write down two or three things in your life that you wanted to have more of or focus on, like more smiles, or seeing friends more—self improvement type stuff. But with the law of energy, if you move something in, something else has to move out to make room. For the burning bowl ceremony, we would write a quality that we were ready to let go of—uptightness, depression, what have you—on a small piece of flash paper, and would each go up to a lit candle at the front, say our goodbyes to this quality, and light it. It would then flare for a second and be gone. (Flash paper is a very thin paper that leaves no ash and burns verrrrry quickly, hence the name. Magicians use it sometimes.) After that, we would meditate a moment, and then continue on with the evenings activities. It was always a night of reflection and inspiration for the upcoming year.
I love the idea of this, similar to setting goals or resolutions, but on a deeper and more personal level. ~~giggling~~ And of course anything that has to do with fire . . . pyros. (That’s to you, Mike.) ;o}
My evening ended up being quiet and uneventful—both Ro and daddy went to bed early, dad at 6:30 or so. Tired puppy! So I watched a movie by myself cuddled up in my new blankie, sipped fresh OJ and did a crossword/sudoku. Later I worked on garden stuff and this post, which I’m currently writing at . . . 4:58AM. Just one of those sleepless nights I guess. Maybe it was the carrot juice I had earlier. That stuff always gives me a ton of energy. Perhaps I’ll get a nap in before Rowan gets up.
Today Ro-Ro ate:
coconut-banana smoothie-1 whole baby coco & 3 nanas—and she didn’t leave any for mama :( LOL
strawberry orange juice
carrot cake
orange carrot juice
munchies—mostly fruit, some more bits of cake and raisins, couple crackers
Bath and Bedtime :o)
Boy, what an orangey day!!
Happy New Year to everyone—May your coming year be greener than the last!
Orange Love,
Sharilyn & Rowan
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