We finally made it to Karyn’s in Chicago! I’ve been wanting to go since I first heard about it almost two years ago. Wow, do they have great looking (and I’m sure tasting) food. There’s a small café adjacent to the restaurant called Karyn’s Inner Beauty Center that has all kinds of raw/vegan/green things, like books, personal products, ala cart food and a salad bar, nut and seeds, butters—even black tahini. They also have all kinds of services like classes for detox, food prep, yoga, and ballet, lymph draining, colon hydrotherapy, oxygen bathing, live cell analysis, endermologie, ear coning, and chiro and acupuncture services. What a great spa day this place could make!
I would have loved to eat at the restaurant, but as money is super tight and we weren’t really hungry anyway, we opted to just look at the menu. Apparently, Karyn’s has just begun a food delivery/pick-up service that provides 5 meals, each meal including a soup, salad, app, entrée, snack, and dessert. Those of you who have ever eaten raw for any length of time know that this sounds more like 5 days worth of food. Anyhoo, the restaurant also had organic beers and wines, including honey wines. Now I have to ask, is beer/wine raw?? I’ve never looked into making either, so don’t know if it’s just fermented or if it’s heated.
After Karyn’s we went to the Asian market and got 27 baby coconuts that had just come in. $30.00. Can’t beat that. Then we cruised to Stanley’s for more cheep organic yummies. I got about 10 bunches of parsley/cilantro to freeze, a TON of carrots for juicing, cherry toms, sweet potatoes, cukes. Basically a full cart of food for about 23 dollars. All added up, Tristen, Rowan, and I can be fed for at least two weeks.
Today Rowan ate:
couple bites of oatmeal w/ chia—didn’t really want it
cherry tomatoes
banana hazelnut milk
walnut-date brownie bites
munched from mama’s salad—cukes, carrots, mixed greens, tommies, g. onions, red cabbage w/ vinegar, oil, garlic, and mixed Italian herbs
more brownie bites
2 bananas
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