Today it was 2ºF with a wind chill of about 25ºF below zero. Whew!! The heat turns off and then turns right back on. I drove Tristen to school, as I didn’t want him walking the ½ mile to the end of the drive and then wait up to 10 minutes for the bus, BRRRRRR!!!! That was fine, because I wanted to speak with his teacher anyway. What really doesn’t make sense though is that yesterday it was 42ºF. Wish we had had the equipment to tap the maple trees. I think that’s what you call sugar snow, when it warms up for a day or two early in the winter, then freezes again. That way you can get an additional tapping for syrup during the winter instead of one.
Rowan and I kept warm, playing roly-poly and somersaulting. We also took care of the big potted parsley plant(s) by pulling out all the dead or yellowing leaves. Ro-Ro likes to yank handfuls of the green parsley off and munch. She eats the rosemary a little, and the mint, but prefers the parsley. Go figure.
I also repotted the basil that I had started from seed earlier. I’m excited to start seeds for next years garden and can’t wait until January/February. I have so many different plants to start. I’m still waiting on my seed catalogues, which is probably a good thing, as I have soo many seeds to contend with right now. So, I’m starting to plan the gardens for next year. I want to do a children’s garden as well, and plant things like cherry tomatoes and mini cukes. Maybe some mini cantaloupe. Last year, Rowan’s favorite thing to eat was the cherry tommies right from the plant. She’d plop down and start munching. She loved the asparagus too, come to think of it. Anyway, I’ve decided to start as many plants inside as I can, but need to build a shelf to hold the flats first. Rich and I were discussing building the shelf to go in front of our big south-facing picture window in the dining/pool table/library/music room. I think he had some good ideas and know how. Now I just need to find all the materials. Yeah! Project!!
Lentils and a sprout mix of alfalfa, broccoli, etc. were soaked yesterday for sprouting (to eat). Tomorrow or the next day I’ll start some sunflowers for the baby greens.
Rowan ate:
oatmeal with honey and flax seeds
banana milk w/ hemp oil and chia
orange pieces
carrot pieces
apple pieces
pineapple apple banana smoothie w/ spirulina
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