Another 3” or so fell today. I’m so glad Rich doesn’t work until Friday.
Today I made a sprouted oat, wheat, and caraway seed bread for Rich. After reading all the recipes I figured if I was going to make cooked bread, I’d at least soak/sprout the oats. Hope he likes it, but then he’ll eat just about anything, except spinach. And asparagus and mushrooms. It was fun to knead the dough and I worked up a little bit of a sweat. Rowan helped, and then enjoyed playing with her play dough for a bit.
I’ve been having strange dreams lately. I remember only bits and pieces and that they struck me as odd. The other night I dreamt that I went to a raw food restaurant/supply store and tried a Tootsie Rawl. Then, I was looking everywhere for mesquite, one of the ingredients. As I was in one of the many storage rooms, I saw Brad Pitt talking with one of his kids and Tristen. Moving on, I passed Angelina in another room. That’s all I remember.
I don’t usually dream about celebrities, although I always thought that perhaps these two particular people must eat a great deal of raw food with all the kids, work, and charity functions they each attend, as well as looking so healthy. Plus, I just visited a raw food restaurant, and I’ve been wanting to get mesquite for the longest time so I could make Tootsie Rawls, but A: Haven’t found it anywhere, online or otherwise, and B: Probably couldn’t afford it right now anyway. I came across this recipe quite a while ago and if it’s as good as a Tootsie Roll, I’ll be in heaven. One less food to miss and a treat for the kiddies. So, if anyone knows where to get raw mesquite, please let me know! I’d love to post the recipe here, but as I can’t seem to find it, it will have to be another day.
I’m so enjoying being at home with Rich. When Ro-Ro’s down for a nap it’s almost like we’re alone, which is great. We need some alone time now and then. Maybe we can get the shelf for the front window built during his time off. I’m getting anxious to start all the babies for the garden!
I’m also contemplating what to do with all the coconut shells. They’d make great candle holders if they weren’t so flammable. Anyone have any other ideas? I’ve got 27, and it seems a shame just to toss them for composting.
Today Rowan ate:
oatmeal w/ honey
orange-strawberry-black currant-mulberry-blueberry-banana smoothie
salad left over from yesterday
more smoothie
pieces of coconut
Today I made a sprouted oat, wheat, and caraway seed bread for Rich. After reading all the recipes I figured if I was going to make cooked bread, I’d at least soak/sprout the oats. Hope he likes it, but then he’ll eat just about anything, except spinach. And asparagus and mushrooms. It was fun to knead the dough and I worked up a little bit of a sweat. Rowan helped, and then enjoyed playing with her play dough for a bit.
I’ve been having strange dreams lately. I remember only bits and pieces and that they struck me as odd. The other night I dreamt that I went to a raw food restaurant/supply store and tried a Tootsie Rawl. Then, I was looking everywhere for mesquite, one of the ingredients. As I was in one of the many storage rooms, I saw Brad Pitt talking with one of his kids and Tristen. Moving on, I passed Angelina in another room. That’s all I remember.
I don’t usually dream about celebrities, although I always thought that perhaps these two particular people must eat a great deal of raw food with all the kids, work, and charity functions they each attend, as well as looking so healthy. Plus, I just visited a raw food restaurant, and I’ve been wanting to get mesquite for the longest time so I could make Tootsie Rawls, but A: Haven’t found it anywhere, online or otherwise, and B: Probably couldn’t afford it right now anyway. I came across this recipe quite a while ago and if it’s as good as a Tootsie Roll, I’ll be in heaven. One less food to miss and a treat for the kiddies. So, if anyone knows where to get raw mesquite, please let me know! I’d love to post the recipe here, but as I can’t seem to find it, it will have to be another day.
I’m so enjoying being at home with Rich. When Ro-Ro’s down for a nap it’s almost like we’re alone, which is great. We need some alone time now and then. Maybe we can get the shelf for the front window built during his time off. I’m getting anxious to start all the babies for the garden!
I’m also contemplating what to do with all the coconut shells. They’d make great candle holders if they weren’t so flammable. Anyone have any other ideas? I’ve got 27, and it seems a shame just to toss them for composting.
Today Rowan ate:
oatmeal w/ honey
orange-strawberry-black currant-mulberry-blueberry-banana smoothie
salad left over from yesterday
more smoothie
pieces of coconut
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